Communications & Marketing

Official Union Logos

Going to use the logo? Here a few reminders to keep in mind when using the logo.

  • Use one of the primary wordmarks on official marketing and communication materials from Union College.
  • Maintain the logo's original width-to-height proportions. Let us know if you need help resizing.
  • Surround the logo with as much clear space as possible.
  • Legibility is key. Make sure the background under the logo is plain and simple.
  • Stick to the logo’s approved color configurations (Union Garnet, Black, White).
  • Only use logo files from communications and marketing.

Primary Wordmark

Union College Wordmark
  • Primary Wordmark Usage and Standards

    Choosing a Wordmark

    • There are two variations of the primary logo. One version has the year the college was founded and one does not.
    • The Union College 1795 logo is intended to be used as the primary mark to identify the College and should be used in most instances.
    • When the 1795 version can not be used effectively because of size limitations and/or reproduction issues (such as on apparel or specialty items) the version without the 1795 can be used.
    • One of the two primary marks below should be used on every communication from Union College.

    Wordmark Color

    The logo should only be reproduced in:

    • Black, Garnet (PMS 202 for print or PMS 7421 for Merch) or White when on a dark background.
    • It is not acceptable to reproduce the logo in any other colors.

    Minimum Size and Clear Space

    The minimum size for using the Union College Logo is .75” wide or 72 pixels wide on screen.

    minimum logo size

    Leave clear space around the Union College Logo equivalent to a square that is as tall as the wordmark itself.

    minimum logo spacing

    The official logos may not be altered in any way.

    logo use violations
  • Download Primary Wordmark

Bolt U and Garnet Chargers Logos

Bolt U Union Garnet Chargers
  • Bolt U and Garnet Chargers Usage and Standards
    • There are multiple configurations in our Garnet Charges logo suite.
    • Can be used on merchandise (clothing, banners, swag, giveaways) without the need for other marks for verbiage with the exception of the Garnet Chargers stand alone mark (not pictured above), which needs to be used in proximity to either the Bolt U or the words Union/Union College
    • Can be used as artwork around campus
    • Not to replace the wordmark on print pieces
    • Version of the Bolt U can be customized for athletic teams


    • The logo should only be reproduced in: Black, Garnet (PMS 202 for print or PMS 7421 for apparel) or White when on a dark background. It is not acceptable to reproduce the logo in any other colors.

    Minimum Size and Clear Space

    • The minimum size for using the full logo is .75” wide or 72 pixels wide on screen. The Bolt U by itself can be used at smaller sizes, when space is an issue, with permission from Communications and Marketing.
    • When using the full logo leave clear space around the logo equivalent to a square that is half as tall as the logo itself.
  • Download Garnet Chargers Logos

Other College Marks

  • Block U and Athletics Marks
    Block U and circle 1795 logo

    Use for athletics communications, materials and wearables only. These logos are NOT intended to be used on general College communications or in contexts that require the official logo. They are not interchangeable with the official Union College logo and should not be used in close proximity with the official logo.

    • Primarily used in Athletics
    • Can be used as artwork around campus
    • Can be used on merchandise (clothing, banners, swag, giveaways) without the need for other marks for verbiage
    • Circle 1795 logo can be customized for use by athletic teams
    • Not to replace the wordmark on print pieces, with the exception of Athletics print and digital publications.
  • Minerva Seal [Permission Required]
    The Minerva Seal

    The official seal of the College is reserved for special communications such as degree certificates or diplomas, the President’s Office letterhead, select publications and official College documents. It is NOT intended to be used on general College communications or in contexts that require the official logo. It is not interchangeable with the official Union College logo and should not be used in close proximity with the official logo.

    In Oct. 2015, the College’s Board of Trustees approved a change to the motto to add the French word for “sisters.” The new motto reads: Sous les lois de Minerve nous devenons tous frères et sœurs (“Under the laws of Minerva, we all become brothers and sisters”).

    All use of the official seal should include this text: SOUS LES LOIS DE MINERVE NOUS DEVENONS TOUS FRERES ET SOEURS

    For permissions to use this image please contact Communications and Marketing

  • Department Identifiers

    The development and use of separate logos to represent individual units or programs is prohibited. However, the Union College branding system allows colleges and other major units to utilize a “departmental identifier.” The identifier includes the black version of the Union College 1795 logo in conjunction with a line of type set in garnet Trade Gothic all caps to identify a specific department or program. The minimum acceptable size follows the guidelines for the minimum size of the 1795 logo.

    There are three acceptable variations for these identifiers: one line horizontal, two lines horizontal (when the identifier contains two or more words) and stacked. Requests for artwork for a departmental identifier should be directed to the Office of Communications.