The collections at Schaffer Library provide books, journals, media, special collections, and more to meet the research and teaching needs of the Union community. Exhibitions explore and highlight our collections in new ways. Our collections and exhibitions are both physical and digital, and range from primary sources to the latest published volumes.
Collections and Exhibitions
General Collections
Schaffer library provides access to over a million print and electronic books and subscribes to more than 100,000 journals, the majority of which are available electronically. Tens of millions of documents owned by the library can be found and accessed through Primo, the library's discovery tool. The library also is a federal depository for U.S. government documents.

Special Collections & Archives
The Special Collections and Archives department of Schaffer Library is an integral part of the Library. It includes the Union College Archives, which holds College records of enduring value, special book collections, manuscripts, maps, photographs, sound recordings, ephemera, three dimensional objects and other primary source materials which document the College’s history, and support and extend its curriculum.
Visit our Special Collections department

Union College Permanent Collection (UCPC)
Union College holds over 3,000 works of art and material culture in the Permanent Collection, including significant cultural resources from internationally recognized artists and objects from Eastern and Ancient cultures. Our strongest holdings are Works on Paper, 19th Century Portraits, Asian Collections and Antique Scientific Instruments including the Olivier Models. Images of many of our items are online.

Andy Warhol, Brooklyn Bridge, ed. ER, 1983, screenprint on Lenox Museum Board, extra, out of the edition, designated for research and educational purposes only, gift of the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc., as part of the Andy Warhol Photographic Legacy Program. © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. Union College Permanent Collection, 2014.1.2 UCPC.
Adirondack Research Library
The Adirondack Research Library serves as a repository for research materials which support the educational mission of the Kelly Adirondack Center of Union College. Materials at the library have a strong focus on the 20th century conservation movement within the Adirondack Park.

Digital Collections & Institutional Repository
Through our robust digitization program, users can access archival and special collections materials like letters, diaries, and scrapbooks; historical information produced at Union like oral histories; images of works held in the Union College Permanent Collection (UCPC); honors theses; and digital scholarship work produced by students in partnership with the library.

Library Exhibitions
View current and past exhibitions in Schaffer Library's Lally Reading room and Beuth Atrium, as well as digital exhibitions online.

Blake@Union exhibit display in the Lally Reading Room.
The Mandeville Gallery
The Mandeville Gallery is located on the 2nd floor of Union College’s national historic landmark, the Nott Memorial. The Gallery is dedicated to exhibiting the work of nationally recognized contemporary artists and exploring modern issues.
Visit the Mandeville Gallery website