Library Resources & Services
Did you know that Schaffer Library has access to millions of print and electronic articles, books, and more? Search for specific material using our catalog, Primo.
Databases can help you refine your search, especially by researching in specific subject areas. Databases like JSTOR, EconLit, IEEE, and Sciencedirect provide access to the best scholarly research available.
Ask a Librarian
Librarians are available to answer questions about how to conduct research and how to navigate our resources. We are available by phone, email, and appointment.
RefWorks is a citation management tool that helps you organize and present your resources.
Library Guides
Browse or search for guides on subjects, specific classes, tools, and more.
Primary Sources
Online resources
Schaffer library also offers access to hundreds of online primary source databases that provide first or direct evidence about objects, people, events, or works of art. Please visit our primary source database A-Z guide to access a partial list of primary databases.
Special Collections
Many of Union College’s Special Collections are also available online. Learn more through the Special Collections & Archives website.
Connect from off-campus
If you are off campus, you can still access library resources! Start with Primo, and once you find what you need, you will be prompted to log in using your Union username and password. You do not need a VPN. Note: students studying abroad and international students at home may need the VPN before starting research. For more information, we have put together a guide on getting off-campus access. Please contact to learn more about our online resources or if you encounter problems finding and accessing digital content.
Senior Thesis Info
Learn more about the process of submitting your completed honors thesis, the forms you and your advisor will need to provide, and how to determine access to your thesis.
Union College's Permanent Art Collection
Digital Scholarship at Schaffer Library
Digital scholarship is research and teaching that critically engages with data and computing technologies. Digital scholars employ computational tools and methods (such as 3D / AR / VR) to extend knowledge production, dissemination, and preservation, while also uncovering technology’s limitations, biases, and misuses to create a more just and equitable digital world.
Digital resources to help you de-stress
Check out some animal cams, links to relaxing sounds and music, yoga & meditation resources, as well as some suggested podcasts that will help calm, unwind and inspire.
Who do I contact in the library if I have questions or issues?
If you don’t know who to contact in the library with your question, please reach out to, and we’ll ensure your question gets to the right place.