Accommodative Services

Special Accommodation Requests - Forms

Special Accommodation Requests

The information and forms here relate to special accommodation requests in the following areas:

  • meal plan/dining accommodations
  • reduced course load
  • medical disability

Also included is information on how to register with Accommodative Services as a new, incoming student.

Meal Plan Accommodation Requests

In compliance with relevant College policies and governing federal and state law, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Union College has established procedures to ensure that students with documented disabilities have access to reasonable on-campus dietary accommodations.

Dietary accommodations can be facilitated through Union College Dining, where every reasonable effort will be made to support students’ dietary needs​ and maintain access to on-campus dining options. As a four-year residential college, all students living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan. ​If you have dietary needs or concerns, please schedule a consultation with Daniele Rossner, MS RD-N, Regional Nutrition and Wellness Manager, Bon Appetit Management Company, at For more on eating with a food allergy at Union College, visit this page and view the guide on food allergies and celiac disease. Additional questions about ingredients can be answered by trained managers/chefs on-site.

If campus dining is unable to offer a reasonable dining solution to address your dietary-based disability through the consultation process, please contact Accommodative Services. Students in need of dietary accommodations should not expect an automatic exemption from this meal plan requirement.

** A student with a dietary-based disability and/or a severe food allergy should contact Laura Galt, Director of Accommodative Services, at, to discuss the possibility of faculty medical notifications and/or academic accommodations.

Reduced Course Load Accommodation Requests

A student seeking a reduced course load must formally petition the Director of Accommodative Services and submit appropriate documentation to establish that such an accommodation is necessary based on the student’s current medical/disability related limitations.

A student may be granted a reduced course load (two courses) as a reasonable accommodation, along with a reduced tuition charge, upon providing evidence that such an adjustment is necessary in order for the student to access his/her education. Requests for reduced course load, and the accompanying reduction in tuition, must be received no later than the third day of the term. Other requests for reduced course load will be entertained but will not result in a reduced tuition. The College is not obligated to offer a reduced tuition as an accommodation. Accordingly, if a student wishes the benefit of this type of support, his/her request for reduced tuition must be submitted by the third day of the term. For more detailed information about this special accommodation request, see Union College's Office of Community Standards Student Handbook.

Students are cautioned that there may be a financial and or educational consequence to taking a reduced load and are encouraged to:

  • Consult with Financial Aid Office with regard to any aid they are receiving and how that aid may be impacted by a reduced course load.
  • Consult with Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, if applicable, in so far as how a reduced load might affect that agency’s support of the student.
  • Consult with their academic advisor or the Dean of Studies with regard to the effect a reduced course load may have on their academic progress in their course of study, their general education requirements, and prospective graduation date.

Reduced Course Load Accommodation Request Form

Medical Disability

Students requesting accommodations due to a medical disability must submit a Medical Disability Verification Form and supporting documentation, if applicable. To establish that an individual is covered under the law, documentation must indicate that a specific disability exists and that the identified disability substantially limits one or more major life activities. A diagnosis of a disorder in and of itself does not automatically qualify an individual for accommodation. The documentation must also support the request for accommodations and academic adjustments.

Register with Accommodative Services

If you are a new, incoming student and wish to register with Accommodative Services, please click here for more information and to register.