Adirondack Research Library
- Researchers may work with one archival box at a time.
- We highly encourage researchers to request segments of archival collections at least one day in advance of their scheduled visit.
- No bags or purses (including computer and camera bags) are permitted.
- No coats are permitted.
- Absolutely no food or drink are permitted. A small table for beverages is just outside the door to the library.
- All researchers must wash and thoroughly dry their hands before accessing archival material.
- All notes must be taken in pencil. No pens are permitted in the research area.
- Absolutely no writing on top of archival material.
- Researchers must wear nitrile gloves while working with non-mylared AV collections. These nitrile gloves are provided in the reading room.
- All archival material must be handled delicately, absolutely no bending or folding allowed.
- The order of all material must be maintained.
- All scans and photocopies must be made by library personnel and are free of charge.
- All researchers must be supervised by library personnel at all times.
- All items researchers bring into the reading room (cameras, notebooks, etc.) are subject to search on their departure.
By signing the Reading Room Log upon arrival, researchers are agreeing to the ARL Reading Room Guidelines.