Biochemistry Program
Nicole Theodosiou, associate professor of Biological Sciences

Nicole Theodosiou

Job Title
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
Integrated Science and Engineering Complex (ISEC) 313-A

Areas of expertise

Evolution and Development, developmental biology, professional development, inclusive pedagogy

Research interests

Evolution and development of the digestive tract in the vertebrate lineage. I study patterning (how different organs are ordered) and morphogenesis (how organs take on their final shape and function) of the digestive tract in vertebrate embryos and how the digestive tract evolved in the vertebrate lineage over 450 million years.

Teaching interests

Cellular Foundations of Life (BIO 104), Illustrated Organism (BIO 345), Developmental Biology (BIO 354), Topics in Organismal, Physiological Biology (BIO 488) and Australia Term Abroad (TAB)


  • Theodosiou*☨, N.A. and Corbin, J.* (2020). Redesign your in-person course for online: creating connections and promoting engagement for better learning. Ecology and Evolution, Accepted 8/2020. DOI: 10.22541/au.159368080.07721520
  • Theodosiou, N.A.*, Choi, Y.*, and Freeman, E.A. (2020). Professional societies can play a vital role in career development. Developmental Biology, 459(1):5-8.
  • Freeman, E.*, Theodosiou, N.A.*, and Anderson, W.J. (2020). From Bench to Board-side: Academic teaching careers. Developmental Biology 459(1):43-48.
  • Theodosiou, N.A.and Oppong, E. (2019). 3D morphological analysis of the spiral intestine morphogenesis in the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea. Developmental Dynamics 248(8):688-701.

(* indicates undergraduate co-authors)

Additional media

Academic credentials

B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Yale University