Sita Subbaram
Areas of expertise
Cancer: genetics of cancer, metastasis and invasion and chemoresistance
Molecular and cellular biology and biochemistry
RNA processing and turnover
Research interests
I am a cancer cell biologist and am interested in interactions of aberrant cells with their tumor microenvironment and how this enables them to invade and metastasize. Cell surface receptors called integrins play an important role both under normal and disease conditions. Determining the functional difference between these is an important avenue of future cancer therapy. One of the key pathways that integrin a3b1 affects is the stability of certain tumor promoting mRNAs that provide certain growth advantages to the tumor cell.
Teaching interests
BIO-489-02 - Topics: Cellular & Molecular, BIO-104L-05 - Cellular Foundations Life Lab. BIO 109 Anatomy and Physiology, BIO 206 Physiological systems.
Subbaram, S, Lyons, S.P, Svenson, K.B, Hammond, S.L, McCabe, L.G, Chittur, S.V, DiPersio, C.M. Integrin a3b1 controls alternate exon usage that determines cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) mRNA stability in breast cancer cells, J. Cell Science. 2014, Mar 15, 127(2):1179-89. PMID: 24434582
Bartling, T*, Subbaram, S*, Kar, S. and Melendez, J.A. Redox-sensitive gene regulatory events controlling aberrant matrix metalloproteinase-1 expression. Free Radic Biol Med. 2014 Sep; 74:99-107. PMID: 2497364. *Both authors contributed equally to this work
Iuliana, J.N, Kutscha, P.D, Biederman, J.N, Subbaram, S, Melendez, J.A, Groves, J.R, Tenenbaum, S.A and Hempel, N. Metastatic bladder cancer cells uniquely sense and respond to nanotopography by enhanced alignment, migration and filopodia formation. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2015 May;240(5):601-10. PMID: 25465204
Missan, D.S, Mitchell, K.M, Subbaram, S, DiPersio, C.M. Integrin α3β1 signaling through MEK/ERK determines alternative polyadenylation of the MMP-9 mRNA transcript in immortalized mouse keratinocytes. PLoSOne 2015 Mar 9;10(3): e0119539. PMID: 25751421
Academic credentials
B.S., MS University; M.S., Albany Medical College; PhD Albany Medical College
Integrated Science and Engineering Complex (ISEC) 319
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