Campus Safety

Campus Safety Services

Walking Escort

The walking escort service is designed to ensure personal safety primarily at night, when students may be walking alone to return to their cars, residence or office. In addition to officer escorts, Campus Safety has a group of students who provide escorts for the campus community.

Emergency and Medical Transport Services

Campus Safety Offices will transport students to a nearby doctor's appointment when the student has been referred by Health Services or an athletic trainer. Officers will transport students who are temporarily immobilized to and from class, depending upon the accessibility of a vehicle and officer availability. Health Services must provide documentation and estimated duration of need to the Campus Safety office to confirm these services.

In case of an emergency, Campus Safety will provide transport at any time of the day or night.

Trolley Service

Union's nighttime campus shuttle runs in a continuous route "clockwise" on and around the campus (each full trip takes approximately 30 minutes) except during required driver breaks. Service is 6 pm to Midnight Sunday through Friday, and 6 pm to 2 am Saturday during the academic term, with pickups at designated locations marked with a "T."

Asian Market

Thursdays - single trip

Leaves Reamer Circle at 6 pm, returns approximately 8 pm


Bike officers patrol campus from early spring through late fall. They are especially well-suited to respond quickly to emergencies on Union's pedestrian-based campus. Our foot patrol officers also have considerable personal interaction with the campus. Mobile patrols cover roadways, off-campus student residence and office areas. All of our officers enjoy working with the students to promote a safe and enjoyable college experience.

Special Event Transportation Requests

All requests for reserving College-vehicles must be completed on the Union College Transportation-Vehicle Reservation Form and submitted to the transportation manager. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to a limited number of vehicles, prior planning can prevent the possibility of our not having a vehicle available. Allow 48 hours for a response/confirmation of your request. The form can be either printed out and mailed in Campus Mail or filled in, saved, and emailed to sends email).

Transportation Request Form