When should I contact the Circulation Department?
I got an Overdue Notice / Replacement Fee Notice
- I don't have the book - OR - I still have the book
- I lost the book I checked out
- I got billed a replacement fee but still have the book
Can I keep something longer?
- Most items are on a term loan. You can renew the item for one additional term.
- Short Loans of 3 weeks or less usually can only be renewed with a Supervisor's permission.
- Hourly Loans can not be renewed.
Why can't I keep something longer than the due date?
You probably can. Try to renew online or call Circulation at (518) 388-6280
Why are you charging me?
Check out our "Borrowing and Lending Policies".
Where is that book?
Check out our online catalog
This Library doesn't have what I need. What do I do?
- Request books or articles through InterLibrary Loan (ILLIAD)
- Contact a Research Services Librarian at reference@union.edu
Can I borrow if I'm not affiliated with Union?
Yes. You can borrow through the DAP program.