FAQs for Commencement of the class of 2025

When and where will the ceremony take place?

The commencement ceremony for the Class of 2025 will take place at 10 a.m. on Sunday, June 15, 2025. It will be held outside on Roger Hull Plaza, between Schaffer Library and the Nott Memorial.

What time is the Commencement ceremony over?

The procession starts at 9:30 a.m. The ceremony starts at 10:00 a.m. and normally the festivities wrap up by 1:00 p.m.

Do participating students/graduates need to register to attend commencement?

Yes. Students should go to Self-Service and select the tab "Petition to Graduate".

How do I obtain guest tickets?

Tickets are not required for the outdoor ceremony. Students will receive four tickets each for guest seating indoors should the ceremony need to be moved indoors due to severe weather. These tickets will available to students when they pick up their cap and gown.

How do I order cap and gown?

Members of the Class of 2025 can check their emails. A link will be sent out by the end of April. If you need assistance, please contact Mark Yetman(link sends email), Campus Store Manager.

Who do I contact if I have any other questions?

Please contact Carol Mangano(link sends email), Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Will photography, announcements, or other graduation products be available for purchase?

Photographers from GradImages will be at the commencement ceremony to take a candid photograph of each graduate. You will receive the digital proofs of these photos within two weeks following the ceremony. You may order online here or call (800) 261-2576. Since photographs will be available, family members and guests are encouraged to remain in their seats to relax and enjoy the ceremony. You are under no obligation to purchase photographs.

When do graduating students need to move out of their residence halls?

All graduates must be moved out of their residence hall by 6:00 pm on Sunday, June 15, 2025.