For official names of Union administrative offices and services, capitalize both the name and the word “department” (but not the preceding “the”) on first reference.
- She has an appointment at the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.
- Professor Murphy recommended he get help at the Writing Center.
On second and succeeding references, use “the office,” “the division.”
- The office is laying the groundwork for expanded study and internship programs in Africa and South America.
Do not abbreviate the following offices and departments, except where noted:
- Annual Giving
- Athletics Department
- Career Center in Becker Hall (second reference: the Career Center; the center)
- Campus Safety
- College Relations
- Communications and Marketing (not public relations)
- Dining Services
- Facilities Services (Facilities)
- Health Professions Program
- Human Resources
- International Programs Office
- Kenney Community Center (second reference: Kenney Center)
- The Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (2nd reference: the program, or LACS)
- Leadership in Medicine program (LIM)
- Office of Admissions
- Office of Student Affairs (on second reference: Student Affairs)
- Writing Center
If a unit has a well-known abbreviation or short form (HR), it may also be used on second and subsequent references, but avoid overusing acronyms.
Don’t capitalize general initiatives like “the undergraduate program” or “interdisciplinary studies.”
Don’t capitalize the names of disciplines or fields of study (except for countries or languages, which are always capitalized):
- The chemistry curriculum is rigorous.
- She is an anthropology major, with a minor in American studies.