Communications & Marketing
- Adviser, not advisor
- African-American hyphenated; Asian American (no hyphen); Native American (no hyphen)
- Alumnus: one male graduate
- Alumna: one female graduate
- Alumnae: two or more female grads
- Alumni: two or more male or mixed-gender grads; avoid “alumnae/i
- Alumni association: capitalize only when “Union College” precedes it
- B.A., B.S., M.A., Ph.D.: include periods
- Bachelor’s degree: lowercase
- Board of trustees: capitalize only when “Union College” precedes it
- Chair: not chairwoman, chairman, or chairperson
- Class of 2008 (not Class of ’08)
- Committee: capitalize only in full name, e.g., the Curriculum Committee
- Course work: two words
- Emeritus, emerita, emeriti: no italics; directly follows the word “professor”
- Every day: two words unless used as an adjective — e.g., “an everyday event”
- First-year student: hyphenated as a compound adjective
- Freshman: when possible, avoid (use first-year student).
- Latino, Latina