Union College Athletics, Greek Leadership, Student Affairs, and other departments responsible for overseeing student organizations are conducting ongoing educational activities to promote positive group identity and prevent hazing behavior. Educational activities will occur throughout the academic year.
Education and Prevention
Educational Programs
Pre-Clearance of New Member Education Activities
Information below is applicable to Greek-letter Organizations Only
All member education programs must be approved in advance by the Associate Director of Residential Education for Greek Leadership. In deciding whether to approve the program, the Associate Director of Residential Education for Greek Leadership will consider whether the proposed activity constitutes hazing as defined above and also whether the activity is likely to produce or would be perceived by a reasonable person as likely to produce mental or physical discomfort, stress, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Greek organizations may not engage in any member activities that have not been approved by the Associate Director of Residential Education for Greek Leadership.
New Member Education
- The New Member Education process at Union College is also 100% dry (alcohol free).
- All chapters must submit a calendar of events outlining the date, time, and location of each new member education activity by the end of the recruitment period.
- The Associate Director of Residential Education for Greek Leadership determines what constitutes a new member activity as opposed to a Chapter event.
- In the case of MGC, the calendar must be submitted before invitations for membership are extended.
- All new member education events must end by midnight.
- No more than three hours per night may be used for new member events.
- No new member activities may occur between midnight and 8:00 a.m.
- Sleep-overs and lock-ins are prohibited.
- All new member education events must occur on campus unless approved by the Associate Director of Residential Education for Greek Leadership.
- Initiation must be completed by the start of week 8.
Safety and Security Walk-Throughs
To promote student safety throughout the year, Greek Assistants will conduct unscheduled and unannounced walk-throughs, except during pre-approved initiation period activities or other requested times as approved by the Associate Director of Residential Education for Greek Leadership. These walk-throughs will cover common spaces in all Union College residential buildings, including residence halls, Minerva Houses, and fraternities and sororities. Private rooms will not be subject to walk-throughs, consistent with current practice.
Recruitment occurs during the second week of each term. In order to participate, students must have achieved sophomore academic standing (9 or more credit hours) and have a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA.
Dry Recruitment is defined as any period of time organized by the organization for the recruitment of potential new members, and must be completely alcohol free.
Alcohol may not be present in any form during recruitment events, even if it is not being served to potential new members. This is in effect for the entire recruitment period.
It is also the expectation that the laws of the State of New York will be followed regarding the legal drinking age at any event outside of recruitment and/or education activities.