The Counseling Center staff welcomes consultations with concerned and/or interested parents via phone or in-person. We encourage you to call and discuss any concerns you may have regarding the well-being of your son or daughter. We can be reached at (518) 388-6161. The Counseling Center staff member that you speak to can provide general consultation, suggestions, and recommendations on how to enhance your child's well-being, as well as ways to speak with your child about scheduling an appointment (if appropriate). We can also contact your child to let them know that their parent has called with a concern about their academic and/or personal well-being. In doing so, we would encourage them to come in for an appointment.
Please understand that strict and complete confidentiality applies to all students who receive services at the Counseling Center and that we cannot release any information to parents without the student's written consent. Please see our confidentiality policy for more information.
You know your child better than anyone and you are likely going to be the first place a distressed student will turn to. Please remember that the Counseling Center is an excellent resource for your son or daughter to use for support.