I have been a professor of economics at Union College since 1994, after completing my Ph.D. in economics at Stanford University. I am currently serving as the chair of the Faculty Executive Committee. During my time at Union I have also served as chair of the economics department, chair of the social sciences division, chair of the Student Affairs Council, on the Academic Affairs Council and Faculty Executive Committee, and as the college's director of assessment.

Stephen J. Schmidt
Research interests
My research interests include the economics of education, especially education finance, and the normative evaluation of economic outcomes and policies. I’ve done some work in transportation policy as well. I have published articles in American Economic Review (Papers & Proceedings), Journal of Public Economics, Contemporary Economic Policy, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Higher Education, Theoria, Restoration Ecology, Journal of Economic Education, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, and others. A full list of my papers, including working papers, and links to them is on my personal website.
Teaching interests
I teach courses in econometrics, game theory, economics and race, the economics of education, microeconomics, and normative economics, as well as the College’s first-year preceptorial, and I supervise senior theses. See the Teaching link on my personal website for more information about my teaching.
Additional media
Academic credentials
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