Amy Juarez
Areas of expertise
Medieval Literature
Research interests
Material culture; visual arts; poetry and poetics; conceptions of embodiment; Health Humanities; theories of archive and practice; Digital Humanities.
“Medicine and Measurement: Health and the Architected Body in John Lydgate’s Dietary and Leon Battista Alberti’s De re aedificatoria,” Special Issue on EDIA, Florilegium. Forthcoming 2026.
“‘Riche stones light’: Chromatic, Textural, and Formal Hierarchies in Sir Orfeo,’” (Under Review)
Book Reviews
Jessica Barker, Stone Fidelity: Marriage and Emotion in Medieval Tomb Sculpture (The Boydell Press, 2020), Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality, Volume 59, No. 1.
Digital Project
Medieval Matters: a public-facing podcast, launching officially in Fall of 2024, that aims to discuss the varied and heterogeneous nature of the medieval past and its connection to the present. Episodes, featuring solo and guest appearances, are geared towards making publicly accessible critical conversations within medieval studies, inviting listeners to consider why the medieval matters.
2024 Podcasting the Humanities Institute, National Humanities Center
2023-24 Schallek Fellowship, Medieval Academy of America & Richard III Society
2022 Summer Research Grant, Medieval Academy of America, Yale University
2022 Kress Travel Grant, International Center of Medieval Art
Academic credentials
Ph.D. English Literature, UC Riverside; M.A, English Literature, UC Riverside; B.A. English and Art History, UC Riverside
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