English Department

Peter Heinegg

Professor Emeritus (Ph.D. Harvard)

Peter Heinegg Professor Emeritus (PH.D. Harvard)

Prof. Heinegg died June 1, 2021.

Read his family obituary here.

Heinegg’s publications included: Dim and Dimmer: Prospects for a New Enlightenment (R&L Publishers, 2014); a contribution to Anthology of World Religions (Norton, 2014); Bitter Scrolls: Sexist Poison in the Canon (University Press of America, 2010); God: An Obituary (University Press of America, 2009); That Does It: Desperate Reflections on American Culture (University Press of America, 2008); Good God! (And Other Follies): Essays on Religion (Hamilton Books, 2006); Oh, Wait–Now I Get It: Essays on Popular Philosophy (Hamilton Books, 2007); “Lessons from a Lunatic” (on Nietzsche), North American Review, May-August, 2000; “Goddoggerels” (samizdat poems); Mortalism: Readings on the Meaning of Life (Prometheus Press, 2003); Better Than Both: The Case for Pessimism (University Press of America, 2005).

Prof. Heinegg was a regular book reviewer for Cross Currents and America. He was also the translator of ca. fifty books.