House Managers play a very important role with Fraternity and Sorority Life and within their respective chapters. House Mangers are oversee the responsibility for their Union College Fraternity/Sorority Chapter house. We rely on them to maintain the appearance, function, and safety of the house on campus, as well as to help create a sense of shared responsibility and community within the house. House Managers are the first to move in and the last to leave the house at the start and end of each term to assist in opening and closing the house.
Fraternity and Sorority Life
Fraternity & Sorority Life House Manager
Position description:
Required Qualifications:
- Initiated active member within their respective Fraternity or Sorority with plans to live inside their organization's house for the full academic year
- A minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA at time of hire and during position
- Clear judicial background within the Office of Community Standards
- Ability to return to campus early for all terms and remain late to complete opening and closing requirements
Major Responsibilities:
House Managers are required to manage following:
- Facilitate opening and closing of house during each term, including move in and check out processes
- House Roster, including helping to process any room changes and planning for next academic year
- Resource for roommate conflicts, work orders, and other housing-specific needs
- Oversee house specific community building efforts such as door decs, bulletin boards, or chapter events as deemed necessary
- Work with chapter leadership and Office of Community Standards for any chapter specific policy violations
- Serve as a liaison between the chapter and Residential Education Office
Compensation for this position is contingent upon satisfactory completion of assigned duties, as well as an end of term evaluation of satisfactory or better. House Managers will receive a stipend that will be distributed in bi-weekly as well as a single room assigned within their organizational space. Additional compensation will be communicated as decisions are made for each academic year.