Union College has 10 on-campus Greek houses. Residents occupying these spaces are required to follow all Residential Life and housing policies as they are listed in the Student Handbook. Chapters with housing and their members must also follow the below Fraternity and Sorority Life policies:
Housing Policies
Each term, chapters determine their own rosters of who may live in the house. This is restricted to solely initiated members. House Managers work with Fraternity and Sorority Life staff to complete this. Chapters must meet an occupancy requirement of an average of 92% for the academic year. Occupancy is determined at the end of Week 2 each term. If a chapter fails to meet the occupancy requirements, they will be billed $3,000/bed under 92%. Additionally, if a chapter consistently does not meet occupancy, they will be subject to review with the potential of losing their house. If you lose someone from your roster, you will be responsible for filling their spot if there is more than a month before the next term starts, or unless previously decided upon conditions apply.
In addition to individuals living in the house, members in good standing will also have key card access to the house. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life reserves the right to restrict access for those who misuse it. Additionally, common areas within the house may be restricted if the chapter violates policies or misuses the space.
Social events
Chapters are able to hold registered social events within their houses in accordance with Union College’s Social Event policy. For the Social Event Policy, please see the Student Handbook and/or the Social Events section of the Fraternity and Sorority Life webpage. Chapters are required to clean up after social events by 7 a.m. the Monday following.
Live-in Requirement
All members must sign the Fraternity and Sorority Life Housing Contract (available on the Fraternity and Sorority Life webpage). This contract states that members must live in their on-campus chapter house for a minimum of 3 terms to help the chapter meet occupancy. Members of Greek organizations may be restricted from being released off-campus if their house does not meet occupancy.
Chapter of Excellence and Housing Reviews
Annually all Greek organizations are audited through the Chapter of Excellence portfolio system. Those chapters that perform poorly on the Chapter of Excellence will be reviewed by the Student Affairs Committee, which may result in loss of house. Additionally, chapters without housing who perform exceptionally on the Chapter of Excellence will be considered for Greek housing. Chapter of Excellence is due in November each year and reviews take place during Winter term.
Fraternity and Sorority Life Housing Committee
When there is an anticipated opening of an on campus house, applications will be made available to eligible chapters. The Fraternity and Sorority Life Housing Committee conducts applications and interviews. This committee is comprised of representatives from all 3 councils, the Multicultural Greek Council, Panhellenic, and the Interfraternity Council, as well as the Associate Dean of Students, and the Dean of Students. Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff participate in a non-voting role.