Anouk Verheyden-Gillikin
Research interests
My research interests revolves around tropical dendrochronology. Dendrochronology, or the study of tree rings, is a powerful tool to reconstruct past climate change, but is also extremely valuable when studying forest productivity, carbon sequestration and vegetation dynamics. In addition to classical dendrochronological techniques (ring width measurements) I also use the wood anatomy, stable isotopic composition and chemical composition of the wood to extract environmental information recorded in the trees.
Teaching interests
GEO 208: Paleontology, Paleobiology and Paleoecology
GEO 209: Paleoclimatology
ENS 100: An Introduction to Environmental Studies
ENS 460: Environmental Studies Senior Seminar
Granath, G., H. Rydin, J. L. Baltzer, F. Bengtsson, N. Boncek, L. Bragazza, Z.-J. Bu, S. J. M. Caporn, E. Dorrepaal, O. Galanina, M. Gałka, A. Ganeva, D. P. Gillikin, I. Goia, N. Goncharova, M. Hájek, A. Haraguchi, L. I. Harris, E. Humphreys, M. Jiroušek, K. Kajukało, E. Karofeld, N. G. Koronatova, N. P. Kosykh, M. Lamentowicz, E. Lapshina, J. Limpens, M. Linkosalmi, J.-Z. Ma, M. Mauritz, T. M. Munir, S. Natali, R. Natcheva, M. Noskova, R. J. Payne, K. Pilkington, S. Robinson, B. J. M. Robroek, L. Rochefort, D. Singer, H. K. Stenøien, E.-S. Tuittila, K. Vellak, A. Verheyden, J. M. Waddington, and S. K. Rice (2018). Environmental and taxonomic controls of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition in Sphagnum across broad climatic and geographic ranges. Biogeosciences 15, 5189-5202; doi: 10.5194/bg-15-5189-2018.
Nehme C., S. Verheyden, S.F.M. Breitenbach, D. P. Gillikin, A. Verheyden, H. Cheng, L. Edwards, J. Hellstrom, S. Noble, A. Farrant, D. Sahy, T. Goovaerts, G. Salen, and P. Claeys (2018). Climatic variability during penultimate interglacial and glacial periods recorded in a speleothem from Kanaan cave, Lebanon (Central Levant). Quaternary Research 90: 10–25. doi:10.1017/qua.2018.18.
Treacy, K., A. Verheyden, D.P. Gillikin, and S. Bouillon (2018). High-resolution stable oxygen isotope profiles of a tropical tree, Colophospermum mopane, from northern Botswana. Geological Society of America Northeastern Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 21-23 March.
Schmitz, N., Verheyden, A., Kairo, J.G., Beeckman, H. and Koedam, N., 2007. Successive cambia development in Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. is not climatically driven in the seasonal climate at Gazi Bay, Kenya. Dendrochronologia 25: 87-96.
Schmitz, N., A. Verheyden, H. Beeckman and N. Koedam, 2006. Influence of a salinity gradient on the vessel characters of the mangrove species Rhizophora mucronata. Annals of Botany 98: 1321-1330.
Verheyden, A., F. De Ridder, N. Schmitz, H. Beeckman and N. Koedam, 2005. High-resolution time series of vessel density in Kenyan mangrove trees reveal link with climate. New phytologist 167: 425-435.
Verheyden, A., M. Roggeman, S. Bouillon, M. Elskens, H. Beeckman and N. Koedam, 2005. Comparison between 13C of -cellulose and bulk wood in the mangrove tree Rhizophora mucronata: implications for dendrochemistry. Chemical Geology, 219: 275-282.
De Ridder, F., R. Pintelon, J. Schoukens and A. Verheyden, 2005. Reduction of the Gibbs Phenomenon Applied on Nonharmonic Time Base Distortions. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 54 (3):1118-1125.
Verheyden, A., G. Helle, G.H. Schleser, F. Dehairs, H. Beeckman and N. Koedam, 2004. Annual cyclicity in high-resolution stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in the wood of the mangrove tree Rhizophora mucronata. Plant, Cell and Environment 27: 1525-1536.
Verheyden, A., J.G. Kairo, H. Beeckman and N. Koedam, 2004. Growth rings, growth ring formation and age determination in the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata Lam. Annals of Botany 94: 59-66.
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Academic credentials
Licentiate Degree, Free University of Brussels; Ph.D., Free University of BrusselsF.W. Olin Center 310
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