7. The Health Professions Advisory Committee requests applicants provide 4 total reference letters when going through review, including 2 letters from science professors and 2 additional letters, preferably one from a professor from a non-science course or term abroad and one from a supervisor from a substantial activity (i.e. manager or supervisor from a place of employment or volunteer activity, a research lab supervisor etc..).
Note: Evaluators cannot be a member of the Health Professions Advisory Committee.
Reference letters must be requested using our Health Professions Advisory Committee Individual Evaluation Letter Request form.
Please note: If you are a re-applicant or you are applying in a different cycle than when you were reviewed by the committee, you will need to provide the Health Professions Office with an update letter so that schools have a better understanding of your candidacy beyond what would have been included in the original committee letter. The update letter provides an opportunity for you to highlight medical and service-related experiences and activities that occurred after the committee reviewed you. The letter should be addressed "Dear Health Professions Advisory Committee", and it should be dated, signed, and not exceed one page. The letter will be sent to professional schools with your committee letter, so it should be formal and professional. A pdf of the letter should be sent along with a pdf of your completed, submitted application in one email communication to Health_pro@union.edu
For more information regarding the application process, please view our May Meeting PowerPoint or refer to Student Resources for additional information.