Stephen M. Berk
Research interests
Holocaust and Jewish studies
I am currently working on a new project dealing with the Jewish involvement in the struggle for civil rights in the United States during the years 1954-1965.
Year of Crisis, Year of Hope: Russian Jewry and the Pogroms of 1881-1882, Vol. 11
by Stephen M. Berk
Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated
August 1985
This book examines the events leading to the massive pogroms against Russian Jewry between 1881-82, crystallizes the Russian and Jewish responses to them, and assesses the impact pogroms had on the course of Russian and American Jewish history and on the Jewish national movement.
“The Russian Revolutionary Movement and the Pogroms of 1881-1882,” Soviet Jewish Affairs, 7, No. 2, (1977): 22-38
“The `Class-Tragedy’ of Izhevsk: Working-Class Opposition to Bolshevism in 1918,” Russian History, II, 2 (1975): 176-190