Human Resources


Looking for information about the following?

  • Coverage under a benefit plan
  • How to take a Leave
  • How life changes affect your benefits

Information about these can be found in the Benefits Guide and are processed through Workday. To login using your employee credentials, click to be transferred to the myapps site and click on the Workday tile. Many common transactions are explained in detail in the Job Aids.

Benefits Information

403 (b) Retirement Plan Information

Looking to make changes to your current retirement contribution arrangement? Changes are done through the Retirement@Work portal which is hosted by TIAA. To login using your employee credentials, click to be transferred to the myapps site and click on the Retirement@Work tile.

Other Employee Benefits

  • Business Travel Insurance
  • Employee Assistance Benefits
  • Employee Discount Program
    • The Employee Discount Program offers exclusive discounts and special offers. Save big on computers/electronics, theme parks, attractions, hotels, rental cars, concerts, sports, live events, appliances, apparel, gift cards, movie tickets and much more.

      To access the program discounts, go to myapps and click on the Employee Discounts tile. The discount options are endless.

  • Housing - Apartments

Tuition Benefit Programs

Retiree Insurance & Resources