Information Technology Services

Classroom Technology Support for Special Events

Revision: May 2019

Electronic classrooms may be scheduled for special events (by faculty and staff only) if they are not already scheduled for regular academic activities. The definition of a regular academic activity includes regularly scheduled classes, labs, review sessions, and performing arts rehearsals and productions. A special event is defined as a one time or infrequently occurring event outside of regularly academic activities that require any additional ITS support including, but not limited to, software installation, extra equipment/technology setup (including audio/video), and/or training. Student groups and outside organizations may not reserve an electronic classroom for any reason. Please observe the following procedures when scheduling these classrooms.

  • Faculty or Staff (no student groups or outside organizations) must contact Central Scheduling ((518) 388-6098 or through the web) to reserve the room.
  • Central Scheduling will need the following information:
    • Date of event
    • Start and end time of event (including any set up time)
    • Name of contact/person using the classroom
    • Contact’s phone number
    • Whether electronic equipment will be used; if yes, person using the room needs to have received training from ITS.
    • Special requests (if any; examples include: software installation, operator support, microphones, etc.)

Because of the support issues associated with special events, Central Scheduling and ITS must have advance notice when reserving an electronic classroom. The required advance notice for special events is listed below.

Length of ProgramRequired Notice
Weekdays – 4 hours or less (8:30 AM – 5:00 PM)3 Business Days*
Weekdays – 5 hours or less (5:00 PM -10:00 PM)3 Business Days*
Weekdays – One day2 Weeks
Weekends – One day (any length)2 Weeks
Multi-day1 Month

Please be aware that this list may be added to at any time as the College renovates classrooms. The current list of electronic classrooms can be located on the ITS website.

Please reference the Union College official scheduling policy for more information. If you have questions about Electronic Classroom use, please contact the Manager of Classroom Technology Services at (518) 388-6750.