Travel abroad leads to new perspectives and skills which will contribute to personal growth. LIM students are required to complete an international experience, but of course, they have much to gain from the experience. They gain new perspectives, leadership skills, self-confidence, independence, cultural sensitivity and an expanded worldview. All of which contributes to personal growth. The options include:
Travel abroad for a trimester (full term abroad): The International Programs Office provides many opportunities for international study including those that require a full trimester. LIM students often select a country that aligns with their humanities/social science ID major. For example, a Biology/East Asian Studies major may choose the China Fall term and earn credits toward the major. An Art History major may choose Italy in the Spring term. There aren’t many opportunities to earn science credits abroad. Australia, Fall term, is the only option to earn biology courses.
National Health Systems (NHS): The NHS summer program is highly attractive to LIM students because the focus is on healthcare systems. Over the course of six weeks from mid-June until late July, students learn about the US healthcare system then travel to Canada, the United Kingdom, and Amsterdam visiting hospitals, medical clinics, rehabilitation centers, hospices and other related medical facilities along the way. They earn three course credits. Generally, students apply for the summer after first or sophomore year. (Program currently unavailable)
Three-week Mini-Term: Mini-terms occur during winter break and the summer. Students earn one course credit and have a variety of locations from which to choose. The schedule works well for LIM students because they earn a course credit outside of the regular trimesters. Mini terms required additional fees to cover tuition, room, board, health insurance and group excursions. For 2017-18 the fee is $3,500.
Klemm Fellow Internship: The Klemm Fellow International Internship Program is a highly selective program that includes funding for program and travel costs. Students are placed in a foreign country where they work as an intern in a local organization and stay with a local host family. Klemm Internships occur over winter break, usually the first three weeks in December. The Klemm is non-credit bearing but fulfills the LIM international requirement. Three LIM students participated in Klemm Internships of the December 2017 break.
Independent Study Abroad (ISA) experience (requires prior approval)
Union students are permitted to participate on one full-term abroad, like NHS, and then are free to participate on as many mini-terms as they wish to go on and are accepted to.