Minerva Programs

Faculty/Staff FAQs

What is my status, exactly, as a faculty/staff member affiliated with a Minerva House?

You are a member of your Minerva House, exactly the same as the students who are members. Faculty, students and staff members have the same privileges (except that only students can live there). You can join a committee, hold an event, have office hours there, cook in the House, etc.

You can find your affiliation under your assigned house on our Minerva House page.

What can I do in my House? What House resources are available to me?

You can use the spaces in the House for events for your classes, meetings, review sessions, office hours, lunches, etc. You can ask for House funds for 1) events for your classes that are held in the House, 2) all-campus events held in the House, 3) events open only to House members, whether held in the House or not (including off-campus events).

How do I reserve space in the House and get House funds?

Go to the main Minerva webpage – there is a link for reserving space and applying for funds. Funding requests are approved by House Councils. Questions can be directed to housing@union.edu.

Do I have access to all the Houses?

Your ID card gives you access to all of the Minerva Houses from 7:30am to 2am during the academic year. If you need access at another time, contact the Res Ed & Housing Office (housing@union.edu).

What about teaching in the Minervas?

Each Minerva has a seminar room holding 14 – 17 people, with electronic capability similar to other smart classrooms on campus (you must bring a laptop). Your ID card allows you access to a locked technology cabinet. Classes can also be scheduled in the common rooms of many of the houses. Requests to teach in the seminar rooms go through the regular procedure (tell you department chair your preference); requests to teach in the common rooms go through 25live.

I have a question/suggestion/complaint/idea/problem. Who do I call?

In general, your Faculty Representative is a good starting point (listed in the Contacts link from the Minerva Office web page). Feel free to contact housing@union.edu for general questions or "nuts and bolts" issues (AV equipment, food or program purchasing, etc).