Catching up with...

"Catching Up With..." Each week a faculty or staff member is profiled. Answering a series of short questions, the profiles are intended to be light, informative and conversational.

Catching up with… Cecilia Bores Quijano

Growing up in Guardo, a small village in the north of Spain at the foothills of the Picos de Europa mountains, Cecilia Bores Quijano was surrounded by amazing landscapes.

Catching up with... Megan Flynn

From South Philly to Southern Spain, Megan Flynn has taken part in dance projects and performances, put bodies in motion on an assortment of stages, and taught and mentored students in dance and choreography.

Catching up with…Travis Carr

Three years ago, Travis Carr hit rock bottom. He was working a dead-end job, playing video games non-stop and was unhappily single. He saw his weight balloon to 350 pounds.

Catching up with...Zoe Oxley

Zoe Oxley, professor of political science, grew up in Etna, Maine, and spent her undergraduate years at Bowdoin College.

Catching up with...Becky Rapp

Becky Rapp came to her position as Accounts Payable Specialist with a wealth of experience in dealing with young children which makes her a natural to gently cajole certain employees to, ahem, “please sign off on your old transactions.”

Catching up with...David Cotter

David Cotter is a professor of sociology who specializes in the area of inequality with emphasis on gender, work and family, and rural poverty in the United States.

Catching Up With … Michael Okwori

Schenectady is more than 5,000 miles from Michael Okwori’s birthplace in Nigeria but, thanks to advances in his field, he can easily connect with friends and family back home.