Kim Plofker, visiting assistant professor of mathematics, was recently honored with the Brouwer Prize, an international mathematics award chosen only every three years. The prize, based in the Netherlands, is named for L.E.J. Brouwer, a Dutch mathematician. Plofker will accept her prize in the Netherlands and present the Brouwer Lecture.
Rebecca Surman, associate professor of physics, gave a review talk on “Nuclear data and R-process nucleosynthesis” at the workshop “Decay Spectroscopy at CIRBU: Advanced Fuel Cycle Applications, Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics,” at Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Ill. Surman also spoke about R-process nucleosynthesis at the University of Notre Dame.
Christine Henseler, associate professor of Spanish and Hispanic studies, will have an article published in “La Novella Espanola Desde 1975.” The article, “Ode to Trash: The Spam Poetics of Agustin Fernandez Mallo,” will also be the topic of a talk that she’ll be giving in Lausanne, Switzerland at an international colloquium titled “Nueva Narrativa Espanola.”
Lisa Warenski, assistant professor of philosophy, will be presenting her research in epistemology at two conferences at the University of Sussex in early July. She will speak about normative disagreement at the annual meeting of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science. She will also present a paper on the metaphysics of normative properties and objective epistemic judgment at The Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association.
Rebecca Cortez, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has co-authored a paper with colleagues at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. The article, “Reactive Sputter-Deposition of Oxygenated Amorphous Carbon Thin Films in Ar/O2,” was recently published in Diamond and Related Materials. The journal article examined the impact of oxygen during the deposition process of amorphous carbon thin films. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC-0824341.