Kristin Bidoshi, dean of studies and associate professor of Russian, is the author of a book review on the monograph “Organizing for Student Success: The University College Model (No. 53)” for the Journal of the National Academic Advising Association. Bidoshi also recently presented a paper, “Teaching Russian Verbs of Motion Online: Uncle Ivan meets the Avatar” at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. The paper is based on research she is conducting as part of a Department of Education grant she received in 2009.
William Finlay, chair of the Theater and Dance program, presented a talk and demonstration, “The Combat Scenes in Shakespeare,” at the Saratoga Springs Public Library. Finlay’s talk was part of the Saratoga Shakespeare Company’s “Brush Up Your Shakespeare” series. Artistic director of the company, he has choreographed fight scenes for “Twelfth Night,” “As You Like It” and “Hamlet.”
Laura MacManus-Spencer, assistant professor of chemistry, had a manuscript published in Environmental Science and Technology. Co-authors were Alison Kracunas ’11, Monica Tse ’08 and Jacob Klein ’09. “Aqueous Photolysis of the Organic Ultraviolet Filter Chemical Octyl Methoxycinnamate” describes the environmental fate of one of the most commonly used chemicals in sun block. The researchers found that the chemical breaks down under sunlight exposure to form several products that were previously unidentified.
Carol Weisse, director of Health Professions, gave a presentation, “Establishing Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Education,” with Sue Conlin, director of Volunteer Services of Albany Hospice, and Sue Tomlinson, executive director of the Joan Nicole Prince Home. The talk was at the annual meeting of the Hospice and Palliative Care Association of New York State.