Takashi Buma, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, was awarded a three-year, $240,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. Funded through the NSF Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Biophotonics program, the project “Wavelength Agile Photoacoustic Microscopy for Video-Rate Functional Imaging” advances his research goals while giving several undergraduates the opportunity to conduct new research. The experience includes the instrumentation and equipment in Buma’s new research laboratory, which is part of the current renovations to the third floor of Butterfield Hall. The renovated space will include the shared resources and faculty collaborations among the Bioengineering and Neuroscience programs.
An article by Daniel Mosquera, associate professor of Spanish and director of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program, has been accepted for publication in an upcoming special edition of the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. “Close Up on the Mexican Revolution: Memory and Archive in Taboada Tabone’s Documentary Films,” analyzes the recent bi-centenary celebrations in Latin America commemorating independence from European rule and other national transformations.
Research Professor of Philosophy Raymond Martin recently co-authored a paper with developmental psychologists John Barresi and Chris Moore of Dalhousie University. The paper, "Conceiving of Self and Others as Persons: Evolution and Development," will appear in The Psychology of Personhood next year.
To submit an item for People in the News, email Christen Gowan at gowanc@union.edu.