People in the news

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Victoria Rockwell '79 was recently named the 130th president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Rockwell, based in Houston, took office in June. She currently works as director of Investment Development at Air Liquide, a leading developer of gases for the industrial, health and environmental sectors.

David Gillikin, assistant professor of geology, received a $40,000 grant from the Keck Geology Consortium. Gillikin’s research is “Biochemical Carbon Cycling in Fluvial Systems from Bivalve Shell Geochemistry – Using the Modern to Understand the Past.” The research builds on an ongoing collaborative project among Union, Denison University, Ohio State University and the University of North Dakota.

Lisa Warenski, assistant professor of philosophy, was an invited speaker at the University of Edinburgh's Epistemic Expressivism Workshop. She presented excerpts from her project "Irrealism Without Anarchy," which offers an alternative to epistemic expressivism.

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