Reappointment and Sixth Year review committees formed

Publication Date

Reappointment review committees have been formed for the following assistant professors:

Elizabeth Garland, Anthropology
Jeffrey Witsoe, Anthropology
Jennifer Currey, Bioengineering
John Rieffel, Computer Science
Brian Hauser, English
David Gillikin, Geology
Leila Khatami, Mathematics
Zhen Zhang, Modern Languages
Matthew Scherer, Political Science

Students, faculty and alumni are invited to offer written or oral testimony to committee members. Committees (with chairs listed first) are:

Garland: Linda Cool (; Karen Brison, Anthropology; James Kenney, Economics

Witsoe: Karen Brison (; Linda Cool, Anthropology; Jennifer Matsue, Music

Currey: Steve Rice (; Bill Keat, Mechanical Engineering; John Spinelli, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Rieffel: Valerie Barr (; Aaron Cass and Chris Fernandes; Computer Science

Hauser: Kara Doyle (; Peter Heinegg, Judith Lewin, Jordan Smith, Ruth Stevenson and Brenda Wineapple; English

Gillikin: Don Rodbell (; John Garver, Geology; Rich Wilk, Mechanical Engineering

Khatami: Julius Barbanel (, Kimmo Rosenthal and Christina Tonnesen-Friedman; Math

Zhang: Cheikh Ndiaye (; William Garcia and Megan Ferry; Modern Languages

Scherer: Michele Angrist ( Cliff Brown and Robert Hislope; Political Science

Also, a Sixth Year Review committee has been formed for Courtney Seymour, Collection Development Librarian at Schaffer Library. Members of the campus community are invited to offer written or oral testimony to committee members.

The committee includes the following members: John Myers (Library), Chair (; Ellen Fladger (Library); David Fuller (Library) and Hugh Jenkins (English).