Student Spotlight: Richard Harris '14

Publication Date

Hometown: Little Falls, N.Y.
Major: Economics
Minor: French

Most inspiring class:
Economic Justice. I studied health-related concepts, health insurance and the ethics and philosophy behind human health care. Though I came to college for biology and wanted to be a doctor, I became more interested in the economic side of the field. I took intro to economics, flip-flopped majors and minors, and it’s been smooth sailing ever since.

Head Residence Advisor, Admissions Gatekeeper, peer career adviser, EMT with Union College Emergency Medical Service (UCEMS), Financial Club, vice president of finance for Student Forum

Also passionate about:
Winston (President and Mrs. Ainlay’s dog). I love Winston. During Move-in Day, while the president and Mrs. Ainlay mingled, Winston stayed at the RA table. That's a good indication of what Union is like – you know the name of the president's dog.

Outside Union:
I have a close group of friends, and we like going off campus. We go to concerts in Albany and frequent local clubs in Schenectady and restaurants on Jay Street. I also like to play tennis and run.

Why Union:
I wanted a school that was small enough for community, but big enough for opportunity. Union has the resources of a large university, and Union throws leadership opportunities at your feet. I came in biology (premed) but was also was interested in government, economics, French and political science. I wanted a school where I didn't have to limit myself or feel backed into a corner. I was inspired by my 11th grade chemistry teacher, a Union alum who is now an Admissions dean.

Looking into the future:
I'm drawn toward consulting. I've talked to a lot of alumni with amazing experiences; people who are traveling all over the world, building new companies, seeing new faces. There's a very strong personal component and a huge amount of flexibility. It's broadly applicable in a lot of fields. Honestly though, I'm just going to walk through the doors as they open.