Upcoming Kenney Community Center Events

Publication Date

By: Maura Driscoll '15

Spring is in full swing with a host of events sponsored by the Kenney Community Center.

The Center and Wells House will be hosting their annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet on May 21 at 5 p.m. in College Park Hall.

Students, faculty, staff and alumni are all honored based on their volunteer efforts in the community. Entrance is free, and those attending must RSVP by May 12 to volunteer@union.edu.

On June 1 from noon to 3 p.m., the Kenney Center will be hosting UCARE Day. This annual event is a free carnival for local children and their families. Student volunteers run the event’s activities and games. For more details contact Ulcha Ulysse ’14 and Fatima Hosain ’15.

The Kenney Center is also finishing the Malawi Mommy Bag project, which raises money to provide new mothers with basic necessities. For more details, contact Nuzhat Chowdhury ’16 or Angela Tatem.

A flea market fundraiser and bake sale are the next events that will be sponsored by the Kenney Center.