Jillmarie Murphy, associate professor of English, presented a paper at the Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Conference in Charleston, SC. “Memory and Displaced Bodies in Leonora Sansay's Secret History; or, the Horrors of Saint Domingo,” focused on the third chapter of her forthcoming book, Attachment, Place, and Otherness in Nineteenth-Century American Literature: New Materialist Representations. Learn more about it here.
Also, Romantic Mediations: Media Theory and British Romanticism, a book by Andrew Burkett, assistant professor of English, was featured on the Scholar’s Choice table at the conference. Learn more about the book here.
Christine Henseler, professor of Spanish, gave a presentation at the American Association of Colleges & Universities. “On Being Portal: Breaking Us Out of Our Habituated Ways of Thinking” addressed how moving outside disciplinary and cultural boundaries can provide opportunities in higher education.
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