Gretchel Hathaway, dean of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, was named to the editorial board of INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine. Learn more about her appointment here.
Samuel Amanuel, associate professor of physics and astronomy, presented a paper on critical length that influences heat of fusion of nano materials at the American Physical Society March meeting in New Orleans. Jason Turner ‘18, Alexander Clain ‘15 and Caleb Novins ‘15 co-authored the paper.
Megan Ferry, associate professor of Chinese and chair of the Asian Studies program, recently spoke on a panel in Toronto, sponsored by the China and Inner Asia Council for the Association for Asian Studies. It was titled “Media and Markets: A Perspective on China-Latin American Relations in Media Res.”
Research by David Cotter, professor and chair of the Sociology Department, received attention from several news outlets. An article in the New York Times recently outlined his findings that the proportion of young people holding egalitarian views about gender relationships rose steadily from 1977 to the mid-1990s but has fallen since. Read the article here.
William Zwicker, the William D. Williams Professor of Mathematics, was named an Oliver Smithies Lecturer and Visiting Fellow at Balliol College at the University of Oxford in England. During the 2018 winter term, he will give lectures and workshops to Oxford undergraduates and continue his research on the computational issues in the mathematics of voting.
Cheikh Ndiaye, associate professor of French, Deidre Hill Butler, associate professor of sociology, Ashraf Ghaly, the Carl B. Jansen Professor of Engineering, Andrew Guyette ‘17 and Jermaine Wells, Learning Environments Services coordinator, presented their research and documentary films at the 42nd annual New York African Studies Association conference at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York.
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