Catching up with...Becky Rapp

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Becky Rapp came to her position as Accounts Payable Specialist with a wealth of experience in dealing with young children, which makes her a natural to gently cajole certain employees to, ahem, “please sign off on your old transactions.”


Becky Rapp, accounts payable specialist (at right), with her family.

She was a teacher’s assistant with kindergarteners at Mohonasen Central School. She taught catechism classes at her church, St. Gabriel’s. As her kids moved through the grades at Mohonasen, the “volunteer queen of the world” served as PTO treasurer and class mom.

Her first job at Union was with Dining, where she handled catering requests for the college and had the great pleasure of working with many students and colleagues across the campus community. She joined Finance in 2018.

Among her jobs before joining Union 22 years ago, she was the youngest manager of a Waldenbooks, where she was in charge of the store in the former Mohawk Mall in nearby Niskayuna.

Catching up with...

A regular feature in which a faculty or staff member is profiled. Answering a series of short questions, the profiles are intended to be light, informative and conversational.

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She met her husband, Bob, at the State Street Friendly’s after basketball practice with her team from St. Paul’s. It was Father Paul Roman who suggested Becky make the acquaintance of the handsome young employee. Becky and Bob have been married for 43 wonderful years.

All three of the Rapp children – Robert, Michael and Brittany – worked at Union in Dining during high school. Brittany is back at Union as the assistant director of benefits in Human Resources. Becky also has five grandchildren, all under 6, who keep her very busy and active. She enjoys daily phone calls and texts from her kids and grandkids. “My family is my world,” she said.

Family and faith have always been a vital part in Becky’s life, with Sunday mornings dedicated to church and family breakfast.

Becky, who appears as “Mary Beth” in the campus directory, got her name from her younger sister who pronounced “Beth” as “Beck.”

“I have formed some great friendships among my colleagues. I am so thankful for that. Union is like a second home; it’s a big happy family,” she says about working at the College.


I look at my texts to see if I heard from my kids.


I haven’t had time to sit down and dive into a good book in a while. However, any book written by Kathleen Woodiwiss allows me to escape from reality.


My mom was my best friend and when she passed away 35 years ago, she told me to stay true to myself and be kind. I have carried that advice with me through the years and have passed that down to my kids and grandkids.


This is really tough because I really love the Nott and Schaffer Library a lot! I love architecture and history a lot and both these buildings are remarkable in those aspects.


Typically, I’ll make some oatmeal with berries and pair it with some yogurt and coffee. Something simple but I really enjoy it.


I’ve never got into podcasts but maybe I’ll start.


Singing! I used to sing until I had my tonsils out when I was 18. Music has always been something that I’ve loved. I used to play an acoustic guitar when I was younger, and I wish I had the ability to sing in tune to really create something beautiful.

I’ve never been abroad. I would love to be able to go see different places around the world, especially the ones that have a rich history. When I retire, my hope is that I can at least go to Ireland. I’ve just always been drawn there. I also really enjoy cooking and baking. My mom was a baker and made many wedding cakes that I would hold down in the back of the car. I often found myself in the kitchen helping her and it’s always just been something that I enjoyed. My father was French and German, and my mother was Polish and Russian. I try to keep the traditions I grew up with: babka, apple kuchen, Easter soup with kielbasa and my dad’s famous French Kraut.

THREE DINNER PARTY GUESTS (living or deceased):

My mother. I miss her so much and wish I had more time with her on this earth. I have my memories with her but there is nothing more special than a hug or conversation with your mom. I would want her to see my children and grandchildren too! Barbara Streisand. I’ve always liked her music and think it would be great to be able to just have a conversation with her and talk about her artistry from throughout the years. She is also one of my favorite singers. Johanna Gaines. Need I say anything more? Her network and shows are constantly on in the background at my house and I learn something new from her every single time. She is someone who has great ideas and tries to really incorporate the old with the new which I find really beautiful. You can feel just how genuine she is through her shows and I feel like she’s someone I would not only be able to get some tips and tricks from but also connect with on life.


John Denver at SPAC in 1974 with a few friends. I still remember I was overwhelmed by the whole experience. So many people came together all singing and having a great time.