Prof. Fredricks, Prof. Cotter, and Denesha Lafontant '23 co-author, "Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields: A Qualitative Study of Women and Students of Color at a Predominately White Institution" with data based on interviews with Union College students.
Carol Weisse, Ronald M. Obenzinger Professor of Psychology and director of health professions, recently had a paper published in the journal Health Professions Education.
The Union College Psychology Department Speaker Series and Honors Colloquium host a series of experts from different areas of psychology and neuroscience throughout the academic year.
Prof. Carol Weisse had a paper published with her colleague Dr. Kelly Melekis and alumni Alice Cheng '23, Keerthi Konda '23, and Dr. Ajay Major '12 about ongoing work with community-run care homes serving hospice patients in New York and Massachusetts.
Sarah Competiello '21, George Bizer, professor of psychology, and Catherine Walker, associate professor of psychology, published a paper in Media + Society, “The Power of Social Media: Stigmatizing Content Affects Perceptions of Mental Health Care.”