
Transcripts and Grades

How to order transcripts:

Union College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcript ordering via the Web. You can now order transcripts using any major credit card. Your card will only be charged after your order has been completed.

Current students can order transcripts via the web 24/7 using the "Student Self-Service" feature by logging into Application Dashboard (My Apps) using the National Student Clearinghouse (NCS) tile and click on "Order Transcript(s)". Current students can obtain an unofficial transcripts via "Student Self-Service".

Alumni can order transcripts via the web 24/7 through the National Student Clearinghouse and click on "Order Transcript(s)".

This site will walk you through placing your order, including delivery options and fees. You can order as many transcripts as you like in a single session. A processing fee will be charged per request. Order updates are available via mobile text message and will also be emailed to you. You can also track your order online using your email address and order number.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the merger of Union Graduate College (UGC) with Clarkson University-Capital Region Campus on February 1, 2016, certain records of graduate programs previously held by UGC were returned to Union College. Because of this, all requests by former students for graduate level transcripts submitted through the National Student Clearinghouse will be processed by our office if you meet one of the following two criteria:

  1. You graduated from Union College prior to July 17, 2003, or
  2. You did not graduate but you took graduate level course work prior to the Fall 2003 trimester and did not continue taking courses through the Union Graduate College.

If, however you took graduate work at Union College through the Graduate Studies Office, and graduated in 2004 or beyond, or if any work was taken during the summer of 2003 and used towards graduation requirements in 2004, please submit your request in writing to Clarkson University-Capital Region Campus, 80 Nott Terrace, Schenectady, NY 12308. All questions about these graduate transcripts should be directed to their office at (315) 268-6451.


Final end of term grades are available for all current active students via the web at Self Service. Because of questions of confidentiality, as well as the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, grades will not be released over the telephone nor will they be emailed.

The grades awarded by Union College and their associated quality points are A (4.0), A- (3.7), B+ (3.3), B (3.0), B- (2.7), C+ (2.3), C (2.0), C- (1.7), D (1.0), P (0.0), F (0.0), I (0.0), W (0.0), WF (0.0), WP (0.0), Y (0.0), and Z (0.0).

Academic Information

Courses are assigned credit using a "course unit" system. Each unit is the equivalent of three and one-third semester credit hours or five-quarter hours. Effective fall term 1997, courses with an associated lab experience are identified by the notation "w/lab" in the course title and can be equated to four and one-third semester credit hours for transfer consideration.

Incomplete Course Work

Students must submit all work for a course not later than the closing hour of the last scheduled final examination period of each term, unless the instructor has set an earlier deadline. A grade of "Incomplete" may be requested only for extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student, and the instructor's approval must be obtained. Both student and instructor must complete the appropriate form. This form is to be filed with the Registrar's Office when final grades are turned in. Incomplete Grade Request Form

When an "Incomplete" is granted, the course work must be completed not later than two weeks after the last day of the examination period of the term in which the "Incomplete" was granted. Course work not completed within the allotted period of time will be assigned a failing grade unless an extension of the incomplete is granted by the Dean of Studies in consultation with the instructor.

Grade Changes

Grade changes will only be made when there is clear evidence of a clerical or mathematical error in calculating the grade. All grade changes must be submitted in writing to the Registrar's Office by the faculty member responsible for grading the course and must include the written approval of the department chair. Grade changes for more substantive reasons must be approved by the Sub-council on the Academic Standing of Students.