The Office of Residential Education & Housing regulates all College-owned Housing. This contract is extended to individual students for a space in an on-campus room for one academic year (fall, Winter, and Spring Terms) excluding vacation periods. This means that there is no guarantee that students will be allowed to stay in the Residence Halls during winter and spring breaks. Exceptions are made for students graduating at the end of a term or entering residence for Winter and/or Spring term(s)
Terms & conditions
- Residence Hall: All portions of a building, as well as its immediate outside surroundings, whether on- or off-campus, made available by the College for student living accommodations.
- Common Areas: Lobbies, lounges, stairwells, hallways, laundries, bathrooms, exercise rooms, basements, walkways, lawns, and parking areas.
Term or the contract
This contract governs one (1) academic year (fall, winter, spring terms), excluding vacation periods, and is not transferable except to room reassignments made by the College. This contract will immediately terminate in the event of the student’s withdrawal, suspension, or dismissal from the residence hall or the College. The student agrees in any such instance to vacate the residence hall at the time set by the College, generally not to exceed 48 hours after the last date of enrollment. Unless prohibited explicitly in writing, students may attend any public event, use facilities open to the public, such as the Bookstore, and visit campus for brief periods to see friends if following the guest policy. Students whose terms of separation include a written prohibition from campus and return do so under penalty of trespass.
Rules and regulations
College rules and regulations, which are found in the Student Handbook and the Academic Roster, are incorporated by reference into this contract. Possession or use of prohibited items will result in their removal by College officials. Residents of suites/rooms where a health safety hazard exists will be required by staff to remove the hazard immediately.
Conditions of occupancy
Full-time matriculating undergraduate students have first preference in residence hall room assignments. All students assigned to rooms not designated for single occupancy should expect a roommate.
- The Office of Residential Education & Housing reserves the right to fill vacancies or to make reassignments of student residency at its sole discretion.
- The Office of Residential Education & Housing reserves the right to consolidate students, requiring them to move in with other students without roommates
- The Office of Residential Education & Housing reserves the right to change the occupancy capacity of a room to provide housing for all students
The College may immediately terminate the Residence Hall Contract when a student’s behavior or presence is detrimental to the goals and objectives of the College and/or the Residential Education & Housing program or when the student refuses to abide by the stated rules, regulations, notices, or other directions contained herein or subsequently issued by the authorized staff of the Office of Residential Education & Housing. In addition to immediate termination of this contract, the student may be subject to one or more of the following sanctions: reprimand; probation; work or service requirement; restitution; fine; forfeiture of room fee, room deposit, and security deposit; suspension or dismissal from the residence hall; prohibition from other College housing; referral for discipline under the Student Code of Conduct; referral for legal action; and such other action as the College deems appropriate. In addition, the Office of Residential Education & Housing reserves the right to reassign students for the safety, security, and welfare of students or when a facility concern requires it. Students who have withdrawn from the College, have been suspended or dismissed by the College, have obtained an official release from the Residence Hall Contract, or have completed their final examinations must arrange to vacate their room within 24 hours. Students completing requirements for graduation before the end of spring term may request permission to remain in their rooms by submitting a letter to the Director of Residential Life provided they have an academic reason for remaining on campus.
Room assignments
All students are required to live on campus during their undergraduate years, provided housing is available. All students must reside in their assigned rooms and are prohibited from switching rooms, taking a roommate, or permitting any part of the room to be shared by persons not assigned by the Director of Residential Education & Housing or his/her designee. Requests for room changes will not be considered during the first two (2) weeks or the last two (2) weeks of any term.
The College accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of personal property belonging to occupants due to fire, theft, smoke, steam, soot, water or other causes. All risks for storing personal property in the residence halls are borne entirely by the student. Students are encouraged to provide for the security of their belongings by locking their rooms and by obtaining insurance to supplement family insurance coverage.
Responsibility for Residence Halls
Residents are prohibited from using their assigned room for anything other than residential purposes and may not allow other persons to occupy the room without prior written consent of the College. Short-term visitors are allowed with the permission of roommates. Each resident must sign a Room Condition Report completed and provided by the residence life staff within 48 hours of occupying any room, either on original assignment or following a room change. This form, when countersigned by a residence staff representative, is the basis for the assessment of any damages and/or loss attributable to the resident at the termination of occupancy. If a student fails to complete, sign, and return the form, he/she will be held responsible for damages evident in the room.
As part of community living at Union College, students must respect the safety of all residents and the treatment of all College-owned and personally owned property, including property found in individual rooms and public areas. Students are expected to encourage their fellow residents to be responsible in ensuring that property is not damaged or stolen. Students aware of any person responsible for specific damages are expected to contact a Residential Residential Education & Housing Staff Member immediately.
Individual Charges: Students will be held responsible for any damage, misuse, or theft of any College-owned property in their rooms. Occupants are required to pay any replacement costs or damages that occur to the furnishings. Individuals responsible for damages within the residence halls will be assessed a bill and the appropriate fine. Where two or more students occupy the same room or suite and where specific responsibility for the damage or losses cannot be determined, an assessment will be made against both or all equally.
Group Charges: When damage, misuse, or theft of College-owned property occurs within common areas of buildings and the responsible person(s) cannot be determined or the property is not returned, appropriate costs and/or fines may be assessed to a group of students. In such cases, a minimum amount of $5 may be charged to each student’s account within the group.
Maintenance and condition of facilities
All residents have a responsibility to help maintain the cleanliness of residence halls and are expected to clean up after themselves in suites and rooms as well as in lounges, bathrooms, and other public areas.
Inspections: The College reserves the right to inspect and or search rooms to further the educational mission of Union College or for safety, health, security, and maintenance purposes. In all cases where the health, safety, or welfare of a person may be in danger, or in cases where College property is in jeopardy, a College official may enter a suite or room immediately and without notice to, or consent from, the student. Announced life safety inspections will occur each term.
Repairs: Repair work in student rooms/suites will be done as soon as possible, in which case the College maintenance staff will enter the room or suite. Other work will be scheduled during recess. Residents will be notified, except in the case of emergency repairs.
Keys and locks
Room keys are the property of the College and are issued to students for their personal use when they move into their assigned room. Keys are not to be duplicated or loaned as such actions place the safety of the entire residence hall in jeopardy. Loaning or duplicating a key will result in a fine of no less than $50 and possible Conduct Charges. Tampering with locks and/or installing additional locks are also prohibited. Lost or stolen keys may be replaced at a cost of no less than $50.
Participating in study abroad
Students who have signed a Residence Hall Contract and participate in a Union College sponsored or approved term abroad program are bound to the Contract when they return from the term(s) abroad, but are not financially responsible for the housing portion of their bill during the term(s) away.