Residential Education

What to bring/What not to bring

You should bring the following items with you:

  • Toiletries and shower sandals
  • Desk lamp
  • Linens, towels, bedding (extra-long twin), pillows
  • Alarm clock
  • Small garbage can

You are welcome to bring the following items with you as well:

  • Stereo
  • Television/cable cord
  • Mini fridge (five cubic feet or less) OR MicroFridge
  • Computer
  • Posters
  • Pictures
  • Air fresheners
  • Room fan
Move-in Day

What not to bring:

Microwave: The only microwaves that are allowed in the residence halls at microwaves that are attached to a MicroFridge. The study lounges on campus have microwaves, so you will be able to heat food without your own standalone unit.

Extension/octopus cords: We only allow outlets and circuits that are surge-protected. Extension and octopus cords are fire hazards.

Candles/candle warmers: Anything with an open flame is not allowed in the residence halls. Additionally, candle warmers, or any other items with a hot plate, are a fire hazard and are not allowed on campus.

Portable grills or any open heating elements: This includes: toaster ovens, hot plates, George Foreman grills, waffle irons, traditional coffee pots, etc.

Pets: The only animals allowed in the residence halls are fish in a one-gallon or smaller tank.

Quarters: Part of your annual fee at Union pays for your laundry service. All washing and drying machines on campus are free.

Air conditioners: Air conditioners are not permitted inside the residential areas without accommodations through the Office of Accommodative Services.

Please note that the fire code has restrictions on room decorations. Tapestries and flags that cover the majority of the room walls are not allowed. Cloth curtains are not allowed. Students who wish to have curtains must purchase fire-resistant curtains. String lights are only allowed if they are battery operated.