The College office that places historical records in the Archives can request restrictions or conditions be put in place with respect to access of its records after consultation with, and approval of, the College Archivist about such restrictions or conditions.
Access Policy
1. Board of Trustees Minutes
Minutes of the Board of Trustees are confidential to the Trustees and appropriate Union College officials. The Board of Trustees Counsel has delegated authority to the College Archivist to grant access for historical and other bona fide scholarly purposes, provided the minutes in question are at least twenty‐five years old and the Board Chairman and President who were incumbent at the time of the meeting are no longer living, or have given written permission for such access. Other exceptions, if any, must be approved in advance by the Board of Trustees Counsel.
2. Papers of Past Presidents
Access to presidential records is restricted until the twenty‐fifth anniversary of the date on which the past President left office or until his or her death, whichever occurs later. While records are restricted, access will be provided only to College archivists, officers, and the past President. Exceptions to this rule will be made only under compelling circumstances and with the concurrence of the incumbent President. The incumbent President or his/her designee will consult with a living past President on the advisability of making an exception with respect to his or her papers.