Title IX

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Confidential and Private Resources

Confidential Resources

Individuals who are confidential resources will not report information to law enforcement or college officials without your permission, except in extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency, imminent threat to self or others, or where there is mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse. Accordingly, sharing information with a confidential resource will not result in a report to the College, an investigation, or disciplinary action.

Confidential Resources are not required to report the details of an incident to the Title IX Coordinator, however they can submit an anonymous report with information regarding the date, time and location of the incident as well as the type of conduct that occurred. The anonymous report does not need to include any personally identifiable information regarding the individuals involved in the incident.

anonymous report form

Honoring your request for confidentiality may limit our ability to meaningfully investigate and pursue disciplinary action against an accused individual.

On Campus Confidential Resources for Students:

  1. Wicker Wellness Center: (518) 388-6120
  2. Eppler-Wolff Counseling Center: (518) 388-6161
  3. Union College Sexual Assault Resource Hotline – 24/7: (518) 388-6600

Off Campus Confidential Resources for Students, Faculty, and Staff:

  1. Sexual Assault and Crime Victims (Planned Parenthood): (866) 307-4086
  2. Schenectady County YWCA Domestic Violence Hotline: (518) 374-3386
  3. Ellis Hospital Emergency Room: 1101 Nott Street, Schenectady, (518) 243-4121
  4. Employee Assistance Program* (EAP): 1 (800) 252-4555 *only for Union College Staff and Faculty
  5. 1-800-HARASS3: The Department of Human Right's toll-free hotline for persons experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace allows you to speak with a pro bono attorney. You can call DHR’s toll-free sexual harassment hotline at 1-800-HARASS-3 Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Private Resources

There are also a variety of College and community resources that will be discreet and private, but are not considered confidential. These resources will maintain the privacy of an individual’s information within the limited circle of those involved in the resolution of a complaint.

Union College Private Resources for Students, Faculty, and Staff:

  1. Ann Ciancia, Title IX Coordinator & Director of Equal Opportunity: email: titleix@union.edu phone: (518) 388-6865
  2. Deputy Title IX Coordinators: Ben DeAngelis & Catie Straube
  3. Campus Safety: (518) 388-6911

Off Campus Private Resources for Students, Faculty, and Staff:

  1. Schenectady Police Department: (518) 382-5200 or 911 for an off campus emergency
  2. New York State Police Sexual Assault Hotline: 1 (844) 845-7269

LGBTQIA+ Resources

RAINN: Rape Abuse and Incest National Network – LGBTQ Survivors of Sexual Violence

FORGE: national transgender anti-violence organization - Trans Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding - Sexual Violence Support/Healing listserv empowers and supports LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning/Queer, Intersex, Ally) primary and secondary survivors of sexual violence. Currently, participation is comprised primarily of transgender / gender non-conforming individuals and loved ones.

The Trevor Project: Help and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth. Hotline: 1-(866)-488-7386

LGBT National Hotline: Call center that refers to over 15,000 resources across the country that support LGBTQ individuals. Hotline: 1-(888)-843-4564

Additional Resources for Employees

The Human Rights Law (HRL), codified as N.Y. Executive Law, art. 15, § 290 et seq., applies to all employers in New York State with regard to sexual harassment, and protects employees, paid or unpaid interns and non-employees, regardless of immigration status. A complaint alleging violation of the Human Rights Law may be filed either with the Division of Human Rights (DHR) or in New York State Supreme Court.

NYS Division of Human Rights (DHR): 1 Fordham Plaza, 4th Floor, Bronx, NY 10458, (718) 741-8400. Complaints with DHR may be filed any time within one year of the harassment. If an individual did not file at DHR, they can sue directly in state court under the HRL, within three years of the alleged sexual harassment. An individual may not file with DHR if they have already filed a HRL complaint in state court. DHR will investigate your complaint and determine whether there is probable cause to believe that sexual harassment has occurred. Probable cause cases are forwarded to a public hearing before an administrative law judge. If sexual harassment is found after a hearing, DHR has the power to award relief, which varies but may include requiring your employer to take action to stop the harassment, or redress the damage caused, including paying of monetary damages, attorney’s fees and civil fines. Visit dhr.ny.gov/complaint for more information about filing a complaint. The website has a complaint form that can be downloaded, filled out, notarized and mailed to DHR. The website also contains contact information for DHR’s regional offices across New York State.

United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): 1 (800) 669-4000 or info@eeoc.gov. The EEOC enforces federal anti-discrimination laws, including Title VII of the 1964 federal Civil Rights Act (codified as 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq.). An individual can file a complaint with the EEOC anytime within 300 days from the harassment. There is no cost to file a complaint with the EEOC. The EEOC will investigate the complaint, and determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that discrimination has occurred, at which point the EEOC will issue a Right to Sue letter permitting the individual to file a complaint in federal court. The EEOC does not hold hearings or award relief, but may take other action including pursuing cases in federal court on behalf of complaining parties. Federal courts may award remedies if discrimination is found to have occurred. In general, private employers must have at least 15 employees to come within the jurisdiction of the EEOC. An employee alleging discrimination at work can file a “Charge of Discrimination.” The EEOC has district, area, and field offices where complaints can be filed. If an individual filed an administrative complaint with DHR, DHR will file the complaint with the EEOC to preserve the right to proceed in federal court.