The Writing Across the Curriculum program requires all Union students to take five designated writing intensive (WAC) courses, one of which must be WAC-R, from at least two academic divisions. Students must also complete the Senior Writing Experience (WS). In order for courses to be designated WAC/WAC-R or WS, faculty must submit proposals that describe the writing requirements of each course for which they seek approval. Specifically, faculty seeking WAC/WAC-R approval must meet the course criteria described below.
To submit a course for WAC/WAC-R approval, please fill out and submit a WAC Designation Request Form. You must sign in with your Union College ID and password in order to complete the WAC form linked above.
To submit a course for WS approval (Senior Writing Experience), please fill our a WS Designation Request form.
WAC/WAC-R and WS proposals must be submitted prior to the term in which the course is taught.
WAC/WAC-R and WS proposals will be discussed by the Writing Board, and faculty will be notified regarding the status of their request within several weeks of the proposal. We are happy to review syllabi and offer feedback prior to final submission, though we cannot guarantee approval for all reviewed syllabi. If you would like to have your syllabus reviewed by the Writing Board, please send it to at least two weeks before your planned final submission date.