Academic Affairs
Information provided below serves as a summary only. Definitive wording can be found in the Faculty Manual.
See below
Minutes are uploaded at the end of each term, once approved, or are available upon request by emailing
NOTE: You will need to login to the system with your Union College credentials to access the minutes.
- Formulate and submit for General Faculty approval all changes in academic policy and all proposals for new programs.
- Review and revise as necessary the criteria for academic honors and other scholastic awards, and for good academic standing.
- Advise the Dean of the Faculty in the preparation and annual revision of a working plan for academic development, encompassing both a general direction for the entire academic program and appropriate goals for departments and programs.
- Five faculty representatives (one to be elected by each of the four Divisions, with one other to be elected by the General Faculty to represent Interdisciplinary Studies Programs). Faculty members serve staggered terms.
- Three students (full-time, day-time undergraduates to be appointed by the Student Committee on Committees or its equivalent). Two of the student members shall serve two-year terms, and one shall serve one-year terms.
- Dean of Faculty and Dean of Studies (non-voting members). The Dean of Studies serves as recording secretary.
Minutes (login required to access documents below)
- 2024-2025 AAC Minutes - (minutes to be uploaded at the end of each term upon final approval by the committee.)
- 2023-2024 AAC Minutes
- 2022-2023 AAC Minutes
- 2021-2022 AAC Minutes
- 2020-2021 AAC Minutes
- Summer 2020 AAC Minutes
- 2019-20 AAC Minutes
- 2018-19 AAC Minutes
- 2017-18 AAC Minutes
- 2016-17 AAC Minutes
- 2015-16 AAC Minutes
- 2014-15 AAC Minutes
- 2013-14 AAC Minutes
- 2012-13 AAC Minutes
- 2011-12 AAC Minutes
- 2010-11 AAC Minutes
- 2009-10 AAC Minutes
- 2008-09 AAC Minutes
- 2007-08 AAC Minutes