Ella Tycz '24

Ella Tycz '24

Job Title
Admissions Interviewer
Admissions Interviewers

Why did you choose Union?
During my college search, I reached out to a Union student from my home town and received a wave of raving compliments about the school. This put Union on my list with about 15 other liberal arts schools that looked very similar to each other on paper to tour. While each of these were nice, seeing pockets of campus that I could fit into, I never felt that special moment that I was expecting.

I visited Union on a gray, rainy day. After parking next to admissions and taking one step on campus, I instantaneously knew. Looking over to my Dad, I said “I’m going here. I need to make this happen”. He told me to go on the tour with an open mind and see what the campus really looked like. Throughout the info session and tour, it felt like every door would be open for me: the option to do greek life and athletics, research, study abroad, and so many other aspects that drew me here from the beginning. I knew there was space for me to grow into whatever version of myself that I wanted, alongside a supportive community that didn’t feel unattainable like it did at other schools. Truly everything about Union felt right, and I had already made up my mind to apply Early Decision before the tour made it past Reamer Campus Center.

How do you describe Union to your friends and family?
Often times it can be a deterrent when a college falls into the grey area of being a “both” school. It may seem like they cannot do one thing well, however, Union is the special case. Union is a tight-knit community filled with caring, intelligent, and involved students. We are also a group of individuals following various passions through countless combinations of academic programs, extracurriculars, sports, organizations, and volunteer opportunities. We have an incredibly strong STEM programs with impressive, state-of-the-art equipment while providing a personal, well-rounded academic experience of a small liberal arts college. Union is a multifaceted place with a diverse community.

Union is also my second home. It is a place that has pushed me to be better while holistically supporting me. I have never felt constricted with a lack of opportunities on campus as I have gotten involved in athletics, Greek life, research, study abroad, and volunteering. Campus is a lively place with so many extraordinary people who are there to support you. This support manifests in advising meetings, a quick smile in the Starbucks line, meals with teammates, cheering on peers at sports games, and waving to friends from across campus.

What has been your favorite class assignment at Union?
I really enjoyed and was challenged by the completion of my case formulation assignment in “Clinical Psychology 1” which focused on mental health disorders. This assignment confronted my misconceptions of psychological documentation through a fictional case. This class provided me with transferable skills to other classes and elevated my interest in clinical psychology.

What is your favorite thing to do in Schenectady?
While I love being on campus, I really enjoy walking downtown to Simone’s which has great allergen-friendly options in their build-your-own Mediterranean bowls and is super affordable. I also love wandering around the Open Door Bookstore – the quaint and cozy atmosphere is a great opportunity to take a mental break from the busy term.