Maggie Peterjohn '24

Maggie Peterjohn '24

Job Title
Admissions Interviewer
Admissions Interviewers

Why did you choose Union?
I was a high school student who was always thinking about my future, especially where I would end up for college. I knew that I wanted a smaller school with a liberal arts education. I had so many interests and was unsure what I wanted to do with them, so I wanted to have the freedom and ability to take a wide array of classes. I looked at big state schools in the midwest, other liberal arts colleges in New England, and even universities abroad. My first time on Union’s campus, it was pouring rain. Definitely not the best or most beautiful day. But even after getting completely soaked and trying to wait out the rain in a Karp classroom, something made me want to come back

I applied early during my senior fall and was able to go to the admitted students weekend that winter. I was so excited that I remember telling all of my high school teachers that I was going to miss school on Friday to drive to upstate New York. On the actual day, I was filled with nerves because I knew absolutely nobody, and this was going to be my first sneak peak into what college could be like. I vividly remember getting lost going to a class and a student helped show me the way. I also remember talking to members of the history department and seeing how much passion they had for the subject. Of course, I also loved the look of campus in the winter. I knew that I could see myself here for the next four years.

How do you describe Union to your friends and family?
When I describe Union to my family and friends they learn that my college career has been filled with opportunity. Every term, my grandparents want to know my class schedule. My grandpa is especially excited to hear about what I am going to be learning. He is always surprised when I tell him about my classes – ranging from history classes about Samurai and an experiential learning course about tiny houses, to environmental science and a French course about the #MeToo movement. They also know that my learning has been enriched outside of the classroom. Going abroad has really helped me experience new things, and alumni funding has allowed me to work at nonprofits near my home for the summer. Socially, I have met some of my best friends here and have found another place to call home.

What has been your favorite class assignment at Union?
I have had many history classes where I have gotten to make podcasts. While I love to write an essay, podcasts are a new medium to create and explore with. I also took a class about tiny houses and we had to design a tiny house on a 3D modeling platform. The house that my group designed was focused on providing mental health services to community members.

What is your favorite thing to do in Schenectady?
I enjoy grabbing tea or brunch from the Whistling Kettle or Raw. I love to go on hikes around the Lisha Kill area with friends. And if I’m craving amazing Italian food, I go to More Pereccas which is just a short walk from campus.