
Why Network? What is Networking?

The goal of networking, from a job search perspective, is to acquire knowledge about career fields of interest and build genuine relationships with professionals and experts to increase your knowledge and the likelihood of securing an opportunity for which you are well suited.

  • 60-80% of job seekers secure employment by using networking generated references to uncover the "hidden" job market.
  • Developing solid networking skills is one of the most important life skills you can master. Learning to build relationships in this way will greatly help you in all facets of life.
  • Informational Interviewing is a networking meeting where you ask professionals within a career field of interest questions regarding their work, industry, career path, educational background and general advice.

Utilize the Application and Networking Tracker (create your own copy of the tracker by pressing the blue "Make a Copy" button)

Schedule a Networking Communications appointment with a Career Center Adviser through Handshake and check out the Career Center's Networking Guide in Handshake's resource library.

Union Career Advisory Network (UCAN)

UCAN is a searchable database of approximately of 13,000 Alumni and Friends of the College who have offered to share information and advice relative to their career and/or graduate school interests. The UCAN database is exclusive to Union College students and alumni.

To gain access all students will need to attend a UCAN Orientation - check Handshake for scheduled UCAN Orientations.

Please note: if none of the scheduled times work for you – pull together a group of 5 or more students and we’ll run it during a day and time of your choosing. If you have any additional questions, please email Pete Fowler at or contact the Career Center at (518) 388-6176.

Students who have completed UCAN Orientation - UCAN Login

Other Networking Resources

  • LinkedIn

    LinkedIn - the world’s largest professional network on the Internet. Not only is LinkedIn an effective platform for networking with professionals in your career field of interest, but it also allows you to search for internships and full-time job opportunities.