The following is an explanation of the terminology used to complete the Disposition section of the Union College Crime & Fire Log:
Open Investigation
The case is currently being investigated by UCCS.
Case Closed
No further investigative action is required.
Closed. No identifiable suspect
A description and/or video surveillance of the subject is available but positive identification of the subject has not been made.
Closed. No suspects or witnesses
Case has no solvability.
Closed. Off-campus incident
Case occurred off campus and is not within the College's jurisdiction. UCCS did not investigate the case.
Closed. Public Property
Closed. Case occurred on public property. UCCS did not investigate the case.
Closed. Reclassified
The original incident report classification has been changed to accurately reflect the appropriate classification, based on the results of the investigation.
Closed. Referred to Department
The case is referred to the appropriate supervisory employee or to Human Resources. Those departments review the case and determine if disciplinary action will be initiated.
Closed. Referred to Police
The case is being investigated by local law enforcement.
Closed. Referred to Prosecutor
The case is referred to the prosecutor’s office. That agency will review the case and determine if charges will be filed.
Closed. Subject arrested
The subject(s) has been arrested by either UCCS or local law enforcement.
Closed. Subject barred
The subject(s) has been issued a College persona non grata notice which restricts the subject from entering or accessing any college property. A violation of a persona non grata notice may result in that person's arrest for trespassing.
Closed. Complainant Declined to Pursue or Prosecute
The complainant decided not to pursue charges or follow through with criminal or judicial process.
Closed. No contact order filed
The complainant did not wish to pursue through law enforcement. A no contact order has been issued between accused and complainant.
The case is determined through investigation to be false or baseless. No offense occurred nor was attempted.
Note: Incidents without a case number involve information received from either outside agencies or Residential Life. In these instances, a Campus Safety report was not filed and it is not always possible to provide information regarding the five areas typically covered in the Crime Log, i.e. (Nature/Classification, Date Reported, Date Occurred, Time, General Location, Off Campus (Y or N), Disposition. It is possible there may be no disposition in some of these cases.