The Union College Chemistry/Biochemistry Club is an award-winning Student Affiliates Chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The club officers work with faculty advisors to plan a variety of activities including ACS partnered events (National Chemistry Week), on-campus seminars, social events, and demonstrations (Chemistry In Your Life Seminars, Valentine’s Day hot chocolate social, flaming pumpkins, liquid N2 ice cream, book clubs, and movie nights), collaborations with other student groups, and community outreach (hands on experiments at local schools, recorded video demonstrations, and collaborations with Cocoa House). Students with varying academic backgrounds (STEM and humanities) participate and have fun!
If you want to contact the Union Chemistry Club for any reason (including ideas for events and activities you would like to see the Chemistry Club do) please contact Professor Colleen Connelly at or Professor Christopher Whitehead at
The Chemistry Club will be meeting Mondays on even weeks in ISEC 250 during common hour (12:50-1:45pm) Winter Fall '25. Scheduled meetings: January 13 & 27, February 10 & 24, and March 10.